The University Press needed recruitment materials to help build its team of contributors. Flyers were initially designed for use at an on campus organization fair. A reusable pull down banner was designed to display at organization fairs, and journalism conferences. This banner follows both Lamar University and University Press branding guidelines.

The University Press is building a Lifestyle section for the paper, and is working to recruit writers, and photographers who are on the cutting edge for trends, and entertainment. I worked with the photographer Shelby Strickland, curating photographs that attract free spirited individuals. This ad reproduced well both in print and online because of its bright colors, and that the details of the image were simple. The ad also appealed to our target audience, bringing in several new recruits from the communications department.
This Lifestyle ad placed 1st in the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association contest Ad Design Static.

WOW! Publication Design
The University Press added a new publication, WOW!, to its print lineup. WOW! is a special edition of the University Press specifically printed as a Week of Welcome guide to new and returning students. WOW! required a new brand identity and publication design that complimented the existing University Press brand.

Media Kit
The University Press's advertisement team required an updated design to their media kit, that offered clients an easier to follow guide to advertisement pricing and more concise demographic information.